About Us
Our Businesses
The Board has established three principal board committees, to which it has delegated certain of its responsibilities.
They are the Nomination Committee, the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee. The membership, responsibilities and activities of these Committees are described in the Corporate Governance Report and, in the case of the Remuneration Committee, in the Remuneration Report, included within the Company’s annual report and accounts. Membership of these Committees is reviewed annually. Minutes of Committee meetings are made available to all directors on a timely basis.
Michael McLintock (Chair)
Graham Allan
Annie Murphy
Dame Heather Rabbatts
Richard Reid
In accordance with its terms of reference, the Nomination Committee’s primary responsibilities include:
Richard Reid (Chair)
Graham Allan
Kumsal Bayazit
Annie Murphy
Dame Heather Rabbatts
Loraine Woodhouse
Primary responsibilities include:
Financial reporting
Narrative reporting
Internal financial controls
Whistleblowing and fraud
Internal audit
External audit
Graham Allan (Chair)
Kumsal Bayazit
Michael McLintock
Annie Murphy
Dame Heather Rabbatts
Richard Reid
Loraine Woodhouse
The Remuneration Committee is responsible for all elements of the remuneration of the executive directors of the Company, and the Chair of the Board, including pension rights and any compensation payments, including exit payments.
Any decisions made by the Committee in relation to the Chair and executive directors of the Board must be made within the scope and the terms of the current directors’ remuneration policy as approved by ordinary resolution of the shareholders of the Company.
The duties of the Remuneration Committee are set out in its terms of reference which can be viewed via the link below.