About Us
Our Businesses
In the past year we have made further investment into our capability for innovation in AB Mauri and AB Enzymes, to support product development, applications support, closer customer relationships and to drive growth across our markets.
We opened our Global Technology Centre in March 2021, which will provide an international hub for research and development for bakery ingredients in AB Mauri.
The purpose-built facility in Etten-Leur in the Netherlands is at the cutting edge of bakery capability. The facility comprises a suite of laboratories where pioneering research takes place in areas such as fermentation and microbiology and a test bakery where we can trial new technology on a small scale before scaling up to full industrial production. This enables us to replicate customer processes and requirements in our research and development. There is also a sensory team who test the taste and quality of the products under development.
Our 50 food scientists, who represent 18 nationalities, work in collaboration with customers from around the world to bring innovations to local markets.
This investment reinforces AB Mauri’s position as a technology-led business and market leader in bakery and yeast ingredients.
The new pilot plant in Rajamäki, Finland, was opened in early 2021 by our joint venture, Roal. It provides a bridge between research and development and full-scale production on this site. The expert teams at AB Enzymes, who develop new solutions for customers, can now test, validate and optimise a wider range of new concepts much faster and with greater predictability than was possible previously.
The facility will improve our capabilities in fermentation, enzyme separation, purification and formulation, in particular utilising ultrafiltration, crystallisation and granulation.
With this enhanced, state-of-the-art innovation capability, we can develop more, new and improved enzyme solutions for our customers.
Other benefits include eradicating bottlenecks in our product development process with a significant increase in our capacity to work on optimising the production parameters to upscale production from laboratory, to pilot, to full plant scale together with increased downstream processing capabilities. Investments in automation and remote monitoring enable better process control and parallel processing.
The new capabilities further strengthen our ability to meet increasingly stringent regulations and requirements in the production and use of enzymes.
Maximising the usage of the new pilot plant is a key part of AB Enzymes’ growth strategy which will see us expand into new markets and attract new customers as we develop our product portfolio.