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Our Businesses
Specifically, we are currently focused on more efficient irrigation systems at our Nakambala estate and Nanga Farms in Zambia. At Nakambala, we are replacing traditional furrow irrigation with sub-surface drip irrigation and ‘synergistic surface irrigation and drainage’, a new system that will improve crop yield and soil health. We are actively considering further investments in these systems at Nanga Farms.
Together with the use of precision agriculture technologies, we can concentrate more on areas of the field where the crop experiences weather stress and adapt our field layouts so that every stick of cane receives the precise amount of water it needs.
The projects are driving better yields while improving water use efficiency and providing greater weather resilience. Over the seven-year period of implementation, the investment at the two estates is approximately $20m.
Our focus on water also benefits the communities in which we operate. In Eswatini, we are making significant strides towards reducing local poverty by partnering with the Eswatini Water and Agricultural Development Enterprise, a government agency, to support the Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project which is developing 11,500 hectares of smallholder irrigation.
Some 2,300 households are expected to benefit directly from the project which is also establishing 28 farmer companies to cultivate cane and other crops, providing greater food security and nutrition for local communities.
Our Ubombo Sugar business has invested significantly to optimise factory capacity to enable the processing of the additional cane that will be produced as a result.